men's gray crew-neck t-shirt

Our Mission:

25 business cohorts Reaching 2,500 local businesses by the end of 2025

Every new business startup has a dream to support their family financially and make a difference in the lives of others by doing what they love and what they're good at.

However, most new business startups fail within a few years - many of them with large amounts of debt that cause them to file bankruptcy. Many times this is simply due to them lacking the knowledge and support needed to help them grow a successful business.

Business Overview

At, we're tired of seeing small businesses and entrepreneurs fall through the cracks. We believe anyone can succeed at running their own business when they learn the key principles of business to growing a business and have a supportive community.

Our free monthly cohorts provide an opportunity for people to learn the principles for business growth while connecting with other entrepreneurs in Colorado Springs. If they need more support, we provide personal business coaching, as well as exposure for their business through social media advertising.

Becoming a member of the is easy. Go to "Membership" and complete the business profile form. Completing this form lets us see you're a legitimate business in Colorado Springs, and helps us create a Directory page for your brand.

By learning the knowledge and receiving the support you need for your business, you can begin applying strategic actions to help your business grow and be healthy. Don't stay stuck in your business another day - or worse, don't allow your business to decline to where you eventually have to close shop.

people at restaurant

Our Beliefs

To see entrepreneurs successfully build better lives for them and their customers

We exist because we're tired of seeing entrepreneurs close their business down. We believe the entrepreneurial spirit is strong in Colorado Springs, and together we can make a difference.

To host 25 business cohorts that provide business networking and support for 2,500 local businesses by the end of 2025