Facebook & Instagram Advertising
Reach more of your market online through powerful social media ads
We will host your business social ad through the Cosprings.biz Facebook page and target the best audience.
InHouse Social Media Ad Management
These types of social ads make the process less complicated for you, and provide high website traffic to your Funnel Page
Simply provide a few details about the offering or event you would like to promote. We'll take it from there.
How it Works
We will design the ad and target the zip codes in Colorado Springs that you want to focus on, sending warm traffic to your Funnel page.
+ 100 Website Visitors
+ 2,500 Prospects Reached
+ 30 Day Duration
+ Ad Graphic Provided
+ 1 Week Run Time
+ Minimum 3 Mile Radius, or, 3 zip codes
Social Media Ad Features
Silver Ad Package