two women talking while looking at laptop computer

Business Coaching

Partnering with you to help clarify your business goals and defining next steps to reach them

Business coaching sessions focus on helping you apply our 6 Step Framework for business growth, which include:

Coaching Overview

+ Clarify Your Offering

+ Understand Your Audience

+ Refine Your Marketing

+ Craft Your Sales

+ Develop Your Delivery

+ Define Your Money Plan

woman in white sweater holding black round frame
woman in white sweater holding black round frame

During your coaching sessions, I'll help you determine the current health of your business.

Coaching Format

person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook
person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook

From there, we'll evaluate if there are any actions for you to take to help make it healthier. If so, we'll come up with a roadmap of steps and meet together for a set amount of weeks to help your business get to where it needs to be.

Coaching Pricing

$65.00 per 1 hour session

Normal Hourly Rate

First Coaching Session:

FREE for 1 hour session

Member 20% Discount

$50.00 per 1 hour session

Become A Member

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